MuNeRF: Robust Makeup Transfer in Neural Radiance Fields

1Beijing Key Laboratory of Mobile Computing and Pervasive Device, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
3Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
*Authors contributed equally Corresponding author

Our method is able to transfer makeup styles (left column) to facial images of different poses and expressions while preserving the geometry and appearance consistency.


There has been a high demand for facial makeup transfer tools in fashion e-commerce and virtual avatar generation. Most of the existing makeup transfer methods are based on the generative adversarial networks. Despite their success in makeup transfer for a single image, they struggle to maintain the consistency of makeup under different poses and expressions of the same person. In this paper, we propose a robust makeup transfer method which consistently transfers the makeup style of a reference image to facial images in any poses and expressions. Our method introduces the implicit 3D representation, neural radiance fields (NeRFs), to ensure the geometric and appearance consistency. It has two separate stages, including one basic NeRF module to reconstruct the geometry from the input facial image sequence, and a makeup module to learn how to transfer the reference makeup style consistently. We propose a novel hybrid makeup loss which is specially designed based on the makeup characteristics to supervise the training of the makeup module. The proposed loss significantly improves the visual quality and faithfulness of the makeup transfer effects. To better align the distribution between the transferred makeup and the reference makeup, a patch-based discriminator that works in the pose-independent UV texture space is proposed to provide more accurate control of the synthesized makeup. Extensive experiments and a user study demonstrate the superiority of our network for a variety of different makeup styles.


MuNeRF Framework. We employ a two-stage scheme. Firstly, we reconstruct the 3D NeRF representation of the input monocular video. Subsequently, we transfer the reference makeup style to different facial poses and expressions through a dedicated makeup module. A VGG network is introduced to extract global convolutional features which are fed into the upsampling module in the second stage to maintain 3D consistency of the makeup transfer results. The patch-based discriminator working on the facial UV texture maps is illustrated on the right.


Makeup transfer results with different makeup references.

Partial makeup transfer results.

We compare the makeup transfer effect on a single frame with existing methods.

Comparisons on video makeup transfer with PSGAN and SSAT.

More makeup transfer examples.

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    title={MuNeRF: Robust Makeup Transfer in Neural Radiance Fields},
    author={Yuan, Yu-Jie and Han, Xinyang and He, Yue and Zhang, Fang-Lue and Gao, Lin},
    journal={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},